Keep Thornton Beach Bluff Open
UPDATE: (August 2, 2021) — Daly City Planning announced that Sand Hill Properties does not intend to submit the ENGEO geotechnical report and has instead chosen to withdraw their application for the Olympic Way Retreat Center project.
Original story: A private company wants to build a sprawling two-story religious retreat on a 4.27-acre site situated on bluffs just south of Fort Funston along Skyline Blvd., between the Thornton State Beach parking lot and the equestrian Mar Vista Stables overlooking the ocean. The trails on these bluffs are popular among dog walkers, hikers and horseback riders that serve as a connector between the Fort Funston hillside and paths that lead down to Thornton Beach.
The proposed Christian center, which would not be run by a specific church, would be rented out for weddings and private events. Sand Hill Properties, which is proposing the development, says it would provide an easement for public access.
There are geologic concerns about building on the scenic bluffs, which are prone to wind and erosion that render the sandy cliffs unstable and dangerous.
Thornton Beach Bluff Preserve, a rapidly growing alliance of recreation groups, open space advocates, conservationists and other community members who use the bluffs, are asking the Daly City Planning Commission and Coastal Commission to oppose the development.
You can learn about the development and take part in community actions to stop it: http://thorntonbeachbluffpreserve.com/
Sand Hill Property rendering