Many Bay Area Dog Parks, Trails and Beaches Reopen with Social Distancing
Dogs who’ve been lucky enough to get walks on trails and beaches during Covid-19 shelter-in-place orders are about to get some welcome, overdue company. Many parks and open space areas are reopening locked gates and parking lots with the caveat to keep practicing social distancing by staying six-feet apart and, in San Francisco, humans must wear face masks within 30 feet of others.
Other best practices are whatever you bring, be sure to Pack-in, Pack-out – Leave Only PawPrints™, carry fresh water and, of course, poop bags. Some maintenance crews are still working with limited resources and will be evaluating when to fully bring back services and operations in compliance with local health orders.
Sasha and Beau meet up at “Joby’s Run” at Upper Noe Rec Center
Keep top of mind that the Coronavirus is still as serious and scary as ever. Think about using parks, trails and beaches during off-peak times. And give people wide berths when passing.
Golden Gate National Recreational Area Reopening Schedule
Friday, June 5
Stinson Beach parking lot
Muir Beach parking lot
Muir Beach Overlook parking lot
Monday, June 8
Lower Fort Mason parking lot (Fort Mason Center for the Arts)
Battery East parking lot
Langdon Court/Merchant Way parking lot
Sutro Heights parking lot
Navy Memorial parking lot
Fort Funston parking lot
Wednesday, June 10
Sloat Blvd. parking lot at Ocean Beach
Crissy Field – East Beach parking lot
Crissy Field – West Bluff parking lot
Long Avenue and Fort Point parking
Baker Beach and China Beach parking lots are currently open; San Francisco city owned lots on the Great Highway at Ocean Beach and at the Marina Green are open.
San Francisco Dog Parks
All San Francisco city dog parks are open, including fenced-in parks like Upper Douglass Dog Park, Walter Haas and Saint Mary’s Park that had been closed until this week.
Point Isabel is reopen with temporary leash requirements in place.
Thank you Dog Trekker for creating and sharing these important tips.